Embark on a thrilling journey into the digital realm with my Tic Tac Toe game, meticulously crafted using Figma's advanced prototyping capabilities. Inspired by the iconic Matrix film, this interactive experience reimagines the classic game, replacing the familiar X and O symbols with the infamous red and blue pills.
By leveraging the power of variables and dynamic interactions, I've created a truly immersive experience that seamlessly transitions between states. From the initial selection of pills to the suspenseful moment of victory, every aspect of the game is designed to captivate and engage users.
This project showcases my ability to:
Master advanced prototyping techniques: Employing variables to create dynamic and responsive interactions.
Design intuitive user interfaces: Crafting a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
Think creatively: Reimagining a classic game with a unique Matrix-inspired theme.
Attention to detail: Ensuring a polished and seamless user journey.
Key Features:
    1. Matrix-inspired design elements
    2. Dynamic pill selection
    3. Interactive gameplay
    4. Victory and defeat states
    5. Smooth transitions and animations
Experience the future of Tic Tac Toe. Explore the interactive prototype and witness the power of advanced prototyping in action.

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